Vice Chairperson Message

Vice Chairperson Message

Ms. Laxmi Rai – Vice Chairperson

“Aristotle once said that “Educating the mind without educating the heart is not education”

Education is not just a process of giving knowledge for a future job but a lifelong process which creates an understanding of moral and ethical values to guide one’s life in a right path. As a parent, you want the best for your child and we are proud to be working with you to ensure that they are given the right knowledge to face the future challenges. Parents, students and the school authorities are a team and we have to complement each other’s efforts.
The entire gamut of school education is undergoing transformation in the teaching learning process. In the modern concept of schooling, teaching has become redundant, paving way for facilitation of learning through knowledge sharing. The wave of digital learning and cloud computing is reaching new heights.

In all this whirlwind of new age technology, it is important to charge ahead but with one’s head firmly on one’s shoulders. We believe that true education is a right blend of Intelligence and character, we educate our students to maximize their innate potential along with positive social behaviour, thus developing them as global citizens. We value regular contact with parents / guardians, and regard the home-school partnership as an essential part of the education process.