

Potter's Paradise - Pottery club

Clay is one of the most effective art mediums for children to discover and develop their creative and learning skills. The process of working with this natural material to create a unique clay project supports personalized learning, sensory development, fine motor skills, self esteem, self expression, problem solving skills, discipline and pride in a child. In addition, clay has a well documented therapeutic quality that settles and calms children. Potter’s paradise inculcates student’s Intelligence while thus imagination and creativity is engaged and fostered. Many new neurons and synapses in the brain are being generated when a child is engaged by the immediate tactile and visual feedback provided by clay.

Srijan - art and craft club

Art and craft ideas encourage children to use their imagination to create their own entertainment. Making something on their own endows them with a confidence in their abilities to make individual decisions and choices. Extending their thinking across multiple patterns of intelligence, engaging through a variety of learning styles gain positive emotional responses to learning , build self-esteem & develop higher thinking skills.

Natraj Club- Dance Club

Dancing is the highest form of physical activity .It increases child’s flexibility, range of motion, physical strength and stamina. Teachers encourage the students to alleviate fears related to performing in front of audience. It also helps to improve confidence and self-esteem.

Skater's Abode club - Skating club

Roller skating is the perfect way to combine fitness with fun. It helps students to develop a fitness habit with a sport that’s enjoyable for them. It improves strength, balance, agility, coordination and flexibility.

Gandharv club

Music is an art that appears in all culture around the world. Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent. Learning about music is beneficial because it lets student about themselves as they learn about music.

ECO Club - Environmental Science Club

Eco club allows the children to enrich their scientific and logical approach by getting introduced to the various topics related to science and environment performing various activities like calculating speed of a toy car, making models, quizzing, group discussion and role play. These enhance the critical thinking skills and abilities of a student.

Ramanujam Club - Maths club

Mathematics has the most important bearing on the intellect as it deals with the logic of shapes, quantity and arrangement. Including basic concept Mental /Vedic Maths are also involved in this club to inculcate the logical thinking among the students.

Wizards of Intellect-Quiz Club

Every child has intelligence and potential to excel. With this vision WOI club has been introduced. Quiz expands one’s breadth of knowledge, either general or in specific areas, the style of quizzes offered are designed to be fun to participate in, and aim to provoke discussion and healthy debate among the participants. Not only this, the students are provided with current affairs and other Quiz books and are kept abreast with the new things happening around us.